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Instant HTMA Resource Vault: Case Studies and Office Hours Recordings

All the Recordings in One Place!

Course Summary


Course Curriculum

Jensen Schoonover

Jensen is an FNTP on a mission to inspire other unlicensed healthcare professionals to confidently use labs in their practice and watch how it impacts their clients and business growth!

From her own personal health struggles and wishing she had gotten functional testing done for herself sooner, she has become a firm believer in 'test don't guess' (as long as you have learned how to properly interpret them!)

Jensen lives in Virginia Beach with her husband, their one year old daughter Amelie, and Ridgeback puppy, Seneca. 

Amber MacDonald - IHP Team, HTMA Mentor

Amber MacDonald

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

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