Instant HTMA Professional Course

Ready to attract and impact more clients by addressing mineral imbalances, but feeling overwhelmed with where to start?

Minerals are complicated. HTMA doesn't have to be.

You know you need to incorporate a bio-individual component that will convert prospects into paying clients.

But why is it so hard?

You want to get to the root cause of your clients’ symptoms — and you know Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can help you get there.

Not only does HTMA provide a wide range of knowledge about every client—blood sugar, digestion, stress, heavy metals, thyroid and adrenal function, detoxification pathways, hormones and more!—but it’s also the most affordable functional lab out there at less than the price of a mani-pedi! 

Using HTMA allows you to truly help your clients with bio-individual protocols, without having to charge them hundreds of extra dollars for expensive labs.

But... you just don’t know where to start. There’s SO much information out there, and it’s downright overwhelming thinking about incorporating HTMA into your practice.

You just want a simple, efficient way to get up and running with HTMA, so you can start bringing in clients who are eager to work with you and help them achieve life-changing results.  

After all, you got into functional health to truly help people who are suffering!  

You know if you could just get clients in the door, you could really help them change their lives for the better.  

If you’ve been nodding your head up to this point, I’ve got good news for you:   

It’s totally possible to get up and running with HTMA in your practice and start getting motivated clients right away!

"I hoped to get a footing on using HTMA in my practice - to understand how it's useful, *how* to use it, and how to not be totally overwhelmed and confused by it. I'd watched a couple free webinars on it in the past and it always seemed really cool, but at the same time confusing.

This course far exceeded my expectations by providing a logical roadmap and "system" for applying HTMA. It's been absolutely wonderful.

Seriously, Jensen, you are probably the best instructor I've had so far as far as checking all the "great instructor" boxes in my NTA/FNTP experience of instruction and continuing education courses: Distilling a lot of complex information in an understandable, easy to digest way, a pleasant and easy-to-learn-from communication style, and genuine care for each student and desire to truly support them in being the best practitioner they can be."

Jill Boman

Yes, you CAN start utilizing HTMA with your clients in just a couple of weeks—without spending hours of your time prepping for every consultation. 

Picture this:

 ▷ You’re working with an amazing group of clients who are experiencing incredible results while working with you.

 ▷Your clients are following their protocols, because they finally have a tangible way to see what’s going on with their health.  

▷ Clients are having so much success that they can’t help but spread the word about you.

I mean, just imagine being able to...

▷Start using HTMA in your practice in just a couple weeks.

▷Consistently get clients who are happy to pay for your services.

▷Help your clients get tangible results they can actually see and feel.

▷Fulfill your purpose and grow a practice you love, while working with amazing clients who value your knowledge everyday.

▷Get enough experience that you can grow your business through partnerships.

▷Work with clients on a continuous basis, so you can finally have the income stability to quit the job you hate.

Are you ready to elevate your practice with HTMA?

Then you need to join me inside Instant HTMA Professional!

Hey friend! I'm Jensen, the creator of Instant HTMA Professional

I'm an FNTP by choice, but an HTMA app developer and program creator by accident.

My journey into HTMA started with my own mineral success story. After 10+ years of monthly, debilitating endometriosis pain, I was able to completely reverse my symptoms by supplementing with magnesium. It was an unbelievable transformation—and it made me realize how life-changing mineral analysis could be for my clients.  

So I dove headfirst (yes, pun intended!) into learning Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. I took some courses and spent hundreds of hours diving into research by the experts.

Then I started using HTMA in my practice. And that changed EVERYTHING.  

Less than 2 months into incorporating HTMA into my practice, I went from 0 clients to over 30 paying clients!  

And in just a few short months, I was able to quit my day job and focus FULL TIME on my growing practice because I landed a dream partnership!  

HTMA was working SO well for my clients. They were getting real results. They were finally invested in their health because of the tangible, validating results the labs offered. My practice was exploding.  

There was just one problem:   Analyzing the HTMA results and prepping for my client consultations took FOREVER.  

I felt overwhelmed just thinking about taking on more clients, when I considered the amount of time it was taking me to meet with 2-3 people a week. I was up to my elbows in HTMA results, with consultations quickly approaching. I knew this wasn’t sustainable. 

Instant HTMA Professional was created to take the overwhelm out of using HTMA.

One day, with an inbox full of HTMA results and only an hour left to work through my daughter’s nap, I cracked the code.

I discovered the way to do mineral analysis QUICKLY and efficiently, so I could spend less time prepping and more time actively helping my clients.  

How? Well, let’s just say my passion for functional health collided with my Excel sheet obsession, and the OG version of the HTMA Analysis App was born.  

Fast-forward to today, that spreadsheet (now a full-blown web application!) has paved the way for me to help practitioners all over the world learn how to confidently incorporate HTMA into their practice in the simplest, quickest way imaginable.  

But Instant HTMA Professional is more than just an analysis app (although that is a BIG part of what makes it amazing!). It’s a comprehensive program packed with all the tools and information you need to get started using HTMA right away!  

Trust me, I’ve been right where you are: Knowing I wanted to use HTMA in my practice, and wishing there was a way to feel confident in my approach...  … without having to spend every waking moment preparing for client consults.  

I realized there had to be a better way. And that, my friend, is where Instant HTMA Professional comes in. 

Instant HTMA Professional is a cutting-edge program that will help you ditch the confusion and overwhelm, so you can start confidently implementing HTMA into your practice.

Instant HTMA Professional isn’t just another confusing course with a firehose of information.

It’s my PROVEN system for quickly implementing HTMA in your practice, without spending hours analyzing results and prepping for consultations.  

This program is the BEST way to finally stop feeling stuck in your practice, and start attracting and impacting clients.  

Ready to learn how to get up and running with HTMA in just a few short weeks?  

Let me show you how we do it! 

Here's what's inside Instant HTMA Professional:

Module 1:

All About The App

▸ This app is THE quickest way to understand HTMA results and determine what to prioritize for each client. Just plug in the raw results and let it do it's magic.

▸ Discover how to input HTMA results for one test, or compare two tests, so it will properly analyze the tests for you.

▸ Automatically see how symptoms from the NAQ can be correlated with HTMA results.

▸ Visually compare two tests side by side to see the biggest changes in all areas.

Module 2:

What is HTMA?

▸ Discover the secret to communicating the advantages of HTMA - even the naysayers.

▸ Find out why bioavailability, mineral loss, retention, and displacement matter.

▸ Turn skeptics into clients by addressing misconceptions about HTMA.

▸ Learn how to properly take a hair sample without any contamination concerns.

▸ Discover the simplest and most efficient way to prepare hair test kits, so you're never unprepared.

Module 3:

Understanding HTMA Results

▸ Go beyond just 'Fast' and 'Slow' for metabolic types, so you can truly make the right recommendations.

▸ Learn the 4 surprising indicators to assess chronic or acute stress.

▸ Know what every single ratio shows, and how those minerals correlate to certain aspects of the body.

▸ Discover why single minerals are the lowest priority and how to read them correctly.

▸ Determine why it can be a surprisingly GOOD sign to see high heavy metal levels.

Module 4:

Patterns & Advanced Topics 

▸ Know exactly which patterns are the highest priority and why patterns are actually MORE important than ratios.

▸ Learn the secret behind Hidden Copper Imbalance and how to identify it from HTMA, your Intake Interview, and an in-depth Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire.

▸ Find out how the psychological patterns can help with your consultations.

▸ Learn how to assess someone's ability to detox effectively based on HTMA markers. 

Module 5:

Building Truly Bio-Individual Protocols

▸ Use the "Where Do I Start" Flow Chart to truly prioritize your client's results!

▸ Determine the exact dietary strategy to recommend based on 3 main factors.

▸ Learn why B vitamins or glandulars aren't recommended for certain types.

▸ Discover how to use the "BYOP (Build Your Own Protocol) Guide" to make recommendations based off of using the client's symptoms from the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, your Intake Interview, and the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis results.

Module 6:


▸ Understand why it's important to interpret re-tests completely differently than the first test.

▸ Discover the most misunderstood aspect of analyzing re-tests and what happens if you look at it like a first test.

▸ Find out the secret to getting recurring clients.

Module 7:

From Beta to Partnership Growth Strategy

▸ I'm teaching you the truth about starting from scratch, and how having no current clients can actually benefit you!

▸ Learn the single most effective way to getting consistent new clients, without spending hours on social media everyday.

▸ Find out a PROVEN way to over deliver on your client's expectations, without adding more work.

▸Discover how to leverage your testimonials and referrals to form partnerships that will take your business to the next level!

Module 8:

Automating to Work Smarter, Not Harder

▸ Discover how to integrate the 6 essential digital tools to make your client prep seamless.

▸ Understand why it's essential to break the client lifecycle into stages.

▸Use pre-made templates to create your systems in just a few hours.

When you join, you'll also get access to...

lifetime access to the htma analysis app

Unlimited usage of the HTMA Single Test Analysis App, Comparison Test Analysis App, and Client Report Generator —forever!

monthly case study & connect calls

On the second Wednesday of every month, connect via Zoom with me and other HTMA practitioners to discuss case studies and protocols.

Lifetime access to the community

Receive LIFETIME access to the community inside Instant HTMA Professional. This means you can post case studies or questions and get guaranteed feedback.

exclusive weekly office hours

Flexible time slots available every single week to connect with Jensen to discuss your client's results individually.

Lifetime access to all of the program materials and resources

Instant HTMA Professional is constantly being added to and you'll have a front row seat!

Enroll today for just


Or, Keep it Simple & Save!

 "This helps me feel more confident in going over test results with a client now since it has so much detailed information.

Ruth S.

 "I just wanted to say thank you - I definitely feel like I'm getting a better explanation of many of the things that I wanted more details on from my previous class. Excited each week for the new module!


 "Just finished the Intro to HTMA video. I have some training in interpreting HTMA but found this quite helpful. It gives me more ways to explain what the HTMA is and can show us to my clients and prospects." 

Kimberly K.

"Thank you for creating such an easy-to-understand and useful HTMA program. I am so excited to integrate it into my practice.”

Lisa O.

 "I was hoping to be able to add HTMA to my practice and feel confident in using the results to help my clients. The course absolutely met my expectations. I find it to be very thorough, well organized, and easy to understand.


 "I have been enjoying the modules, although I have not been able to get on the actual weekly calls. Hearing that someone asked their hair stylist for a hair sample is brilliant! I have an appointment this week and will be doing the same!


Let's talk about the App

Inside Instant HTMA Professional, you get lifetime access to an easy-to-use HTMA Analysis App that does the heavy lifting FOR you!

 No more spending hours interpreting your clients’ results and creating custom reports.

With the HTMA Analysis App, you simply input your client’s raw HTMA results, and the app INSTANTLY tells you every mineral pattern and indicator present for things like…  

To make your life even easier, the HTMA Analysis App automatically creates a 15 page custom client report, incorporating 300+ symptoms and 30+ common conditions.

 The app is an absolute game changer when it comes to utilizing HTMA in your practice. And you’re getting LIFETIME access to this incredible tool when you enroll in Instant HTMA Professional!

There are 3 Pillars to HTMA Success:

1. Analysis

Properly interpreting and prioritizing HTMA results, creating bio-individual protocols using all of the data available, and communicating in a way that resonates with your clients.

2. Automation

Building a sustainable and scalable practice by creating systems & processes once and using them for years to come.

3. Accountability

Providing and structuring your services to help your clients stay committed and motivated.

"I would highly recommend this course to anyone newly looking to add HTMA to their practice or if you have done other programs and still don't know how to get started. Jensen has really simplified the process, with flow charts, reference tables. The lessons are are designed keeping learning principles in mind. Most importantly, at the end of the program, you are able to interpret a HTMA report meaningfully minus the overwhelm."
Anu B.


"I wanted to touch base and let you know that I LOVE your course. You are articulate, organized, helpful, and clear. I finally feel equipped to both offer and describe HTMA to my clients. You share info in an approachable & digestible manner. Thank you." 
Kerri H.


"I'm loving the course. Greatly appreciate all of the downloads and useful pages. I definitely feel that I have very much added to the knowledge that I had from a previous course. And I love how accessible your information is - you're answering a lot of the questions that I had before that weren't quite being answered in a useful way."


"Thank you for your course!!!!! Definitely will be recommending it. I liked the layout; short and straight to the point. I also loved the templates of how to streamline interpretations. Love how you share your automations too, extremely helpful to see and will save me a ton of time putting into practice with the limited time I have. So thank you a billion times over."
Marissa Y.


"For a little background, I have been using HTMA with my clients for the last 5 years.   I originally signed up for Jensen's Report template to see if there was a way I could incorporate that into my practice and while I ultimately decided to keep using what I have been, there were several things that I did shift over to my current report template.   As I worked with mentoring other HTMA practitioners, they were all new and going through Jensen's new "Instant HTMA Professional" program, and so to understand more of where they were coming from, I went through and listened to all the modules.    

Jensen has created a very easy to understand program that really gives a new to HTMA practitioner the knowledge and confidence to get started.

   She has included many resources, handouts, and documents to make working with clients an easy process and I am beyond impressed with her course.    

If you are wanting to use a functional test and not sure where to get started, I'd highly recommend her course!  No program out there can cover all the intricacies, but this course will give you a great foundation to get started with!" 

Lydia Barrett
FNTP, Blood Chemistry Specialist, HTMA Practitioner, Functional Health Practitioner

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, simplified!

Add the most affordable functional lab to your practice, use it in alignment with the Foundations, and change lives (including your own!)

 I'm so sure you'll love Instant HTMA Professional that I GUARANTEE it!

I created Instant HTMA Professional to help practitioners effectively use HTMA in their practice — and I stand by my promise. If you don't find this to be the case, I genuinely want you to ask for your money back.

No jumping through hoops, no hard feelings. Promise!

Just send an email within 7 days of purchase to and you will receive a full refund.

I know that investing in your practice (and yourself!) is a huge decision. I am also fully confident that the VALUE this course brings to your practice far outweighs the price, which is why I happily provide this guarantee. 

Would you recommend Instant HTMA Professional?

"Yes!! I think that as FNTPs without any additional training, we are truly limited in how we can help people - especially now when the FE/FCA is harder to use since so many of us are remote. Using HTMA shows clients something tangible that they can understand. And the app is super helpful in deciphering results - it's clear you put a TON of work and thought into every piece."
Tonya R.


"Absolutely! In addition to what I shared about how the course exceeded my expectations (seriously, you did SUCH a good job breaking down a lot of complex information in an understandable, systematic, practical way--Bravo!!), your calm, gentle, approachable, and positive countenance and communication style and supportiveness of every student and meeting them where they're at made your instruction easier to take in and more enjoyable."
Jill B.


"I would recommend it to other practitioners who are looking for ways to conduct mineral testing without a blood draw/lab.  The why is because there are many wonderful, smart, caring practitioners who are not licensed or certified to order traditional labs to help their clients and tests like this help us to serve our clients well."


What happens when I join?


Sign up for
A New Student Call!

On the first of every month, there is a new student Zoom call to personally welcome all new participants and answer any questions as you're getting started!


Get your first hair sample in the mail!

Module 2 gives you everything you need to know to get an account established with Trace Elements and your first hair sample sent to the lab.


While you wait...

It takes about 2 weeks to get HTMA results back, which is a perfect amount of time to go through the lessons in Modules 3, 4, & 5.


Plug in Results!

Once your HTMA results come in, you'll plug them into the App in Module 1 and know exactly what to do!

Just rinse + repeat  for all of your future clients (the ones I teach you how to attract in Module 7!)

How do practitioners feel about plugging HTMA results into an app?

"I can tell how much work & effort went into this. Thank you for getting it out into the practitioner's hands. This will be an invaluable tool for many!"

Arune V.


"I just put in my HTMA results and it gave me info I didn't even realize was there!"

Erin A.


"I have to say, I'm in love with your HTMA app! It's such a time saver!"

Sarah B.


"WOW! What an incredible tool you have created for us"

Lauren S.


"This HTMA app is a game changer!"

Jessica H.


"Your app is freaking amazing! I have 4 HTMA clients right now and I love how much more in depth you go than ******.  Especially this Four Lows scenario, I wouldn't have known! I would have never been able to properly help my client without your help, so thank you!!!!!!" 

Marissa Y.


Instant HTMA Professional will teach you exactly how to get up and running with HTMA in your practice — even if you're struggling to find clients.

If you’ve gotten this far, you’re really thinking about doing this. But maybe you’re wondering if this will work for you because you just haven’t had many clients yet (or any at all!).

I totally understand how you’re feeling, because I didn’t have any clients when I got started either! I wanted to help people so badly, but I quickly found out it’s not so easy. Clients are hard to find—and once you do have a client, getting them to follow a protocol and achieve results is challenging!  

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You CAN get clients who are happy to pay for your services, motivated to follow your protocols, and excited to refer you to their friends.  

It all starts with incorporating HTMA into your practice. 

Instant HTMA Professional not only teaches you how to get started with HTMA, but it also details my PROVEN strategy for growing your practice with HTMA.

And you can get started right now, even if you don't have any active clients. 

Instant HTMA Professional is a GREAT fit for you if you are...

▸ A recent grad looking for a smart, sustainable way to start using functional testing to work with clients and grow a thriving practice.

▸ Brand new to HTMA and ready to learn the ins and outs of mineral balancing and using it in your practice, so you can feel totally confident creating bio-individual protocols that attract and retain motivated clients.

▸ Currently using HTMA, but it's taking hours to prepare for each client, create the reports, and figure out what to recommend.

What if this time next year you were working full time with motivated clients, helping them achieve incredible results by balancing their minerals with HTMA, and growing a thriving practice through referrals from your happy clients?


Not to worry! This is a totally self-paced course that is broken up into 8 modules. You could technically get through the course in a weekend if you wanted to, although most participants take a couple of weeks to get through it. Each module takes 1-2 hours to complete and is broken up into multiple short (5-20 minutes) lessons. The lessons are designed to be followed chronologically, but you’ll be able to navigate back to specific lessons if you ever need a refresher on a certain topic.

That’s great, you’ll have a head start! But I can guarantee this is unlike any other HTMA course out there, because it revolves around my custom-built web application. The HTMA Analysis App allows you to plug in raw results, prioritizes the results for you, pulls markers you’ve probably never heard of, correlates HTMA results to the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire, and automatically generates personalized client reports. (And remember, when you join, you get lifetime access to the app!) This program is also special because it’s not just hours of information on HTMA—it’s actually full of practical ways to incorporate HTMA into your practice, and strategies for growing your business with HTMA.

No stress! You have lifetime access to the Instant HTMA Professional community. Simply post your question in the community and I’ll help you navigate those results.

I get it! I didn’t have a single client before I started using HTMA either.

 Then I discovered a strategy that helped me grow my practice from 0 clients to over 30 in a few short months, which quickly led to a partnership with a psychologist who sends over my ideal client weekly! I detail the entire process in Module 7 of Instant HTMA Professional (From Beta to Partnership Growth Strategy). This strategy not only worked for me, but it’s helped dozens of other practitioners grow their practices using HTMA. 

The only lab that will provide you with all the results that are needed for the HTMA Analysis App to correctly perform the calculations is Trace Elements. If you're international, there are distributors that use Trace Elements all over the world!

I do not recommend using Doctors Data, Analytic Research Laboratory, and other HTMA labs, for several reasons. Some of these labs wash their hair samples, use different measurements, or don’t provide as thorough of an analysis. For the purpose of using the App, I only recommend using Trace Elements. 

The lab I recommend, Trace Elements, will accept any health certification certificate! Inside IHP, you'll find NTP's, FNTP's, FDN's, RWS', RD's, Functional Medicine Doctors, and more! 

Reach out to me directly. I have helped multiple practitioners navigate this, but it comes down to a few individual factors that we would discuss. Email me at and we can chat!

Have a pressing question you need answered?

If I didn't answer your question above, feel free to reach out to me directly at (or use the Facebook chat feature on this page) and I'll be happy to answer any of your questions promptly!

Let's RECAP, Shall we?

When you join Instant HTMA Professional, you get lifetime access to the lessons (plus ALL future updates!) that take you from Aluminum to Zirconium when it comes to using HTMA successfully in your practice. 

You also get a lifetime of free access to the HTMA Analysis App that takes all the guesswork out of understanding HTMA lab results. Remember, the app automatically shows you all of the important HTMA analysis details -- whether you're reviewing a single test or comparing two tests -- and generates multiple personalized, totally customizable documents for your clients.

You'll have tons of support along the way! You have lifetime access to the internal community where you can post any questions or case studies. On top of the initial new student onboarding call, there is a monthly call to connect with other HTMA practitioners and discuss case studies. Oh, and you don't have to wait for a call to get your questions answered. You also get access to exclusive weekly office hours to discuss HTMA results directly with me at your convenience. Moral of the story:  if you have questions, you are covered!

On top of all that, you get access to beautifully created client documents from Made Whole Nutrition, an extensive Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire chart to correlate directly with HTMA results, and a 30+ page protocol document full of flowcharts that make it easy to figure out what to prioritize!

Still not sure? Here's a peek at literally everything inside!

Alright - It's officially decision time.

You can keep struggling to get clients and stay stuck in your practice, or you can start using HTMA and finally begin  addressing  mineral imbalances by building truly bio-individual protocols that help clients get results they can't stop talking about.

 && P.S... I’ll be available anytime you need help.  Don’t waste another month dreaming about transforming your practice by using Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis!

Join Instant HTMA Professional today and make your dream practice a reality.